What I Decluttered This Month/Anti-Haul


Hi all! Hope you are all having a good weekend. Today I wanted to share this challenge that is mostly going around YouTube called an “anti-haul” where you share what you got rid of for that month. The items can either be tossed out, recycled, or donated. It is sort of like the mins game, but without the numbers rule that you have to follow each day. I have reached the point where I don’t have enough items to do that challenge anymore so I think this is a neat alternative to stay on track with your decluttering journey as well as inspire others with ideas and motivation to do their own anti-haul. For the month of June I got rid of these items:

  • A promotional tote
  • Promotional business card
  • Only pair of earrings…they were tarnished, and decided I won’t be wearing earrings anymore
  • Old worn out tank top
  • Empty body spray bottle
  • Used up sample shampoos
  • Mini empty sample jar
  • Under the bathroom cabinet – tossed out all expired items
  • Old toothbrush holder
  • Went through my social media and deleted/archived old photos I didn’t want visible anymore
  • Deleted 2 apps off my phone that I never used (hey, digital can still be clutter!)

Have you tried an “anti-haul” before? And if so, what did you declutter for that month?

22 thoughts on “What I Decluttered This Month/Anti-Haul

  1. Great post! Love the idea of anti-haul!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I have no idea, I tend to just declutter without remembering / listing. At least that way I can’t change my mind / regret it 😆
    I have a bag & a half of clothes / books / odds & ends to donate to the charity shop, & this week I have deleted a few phone apps. So true about digital clutter!
    & I went through & shredded / binned some paperwork just as you were posting about the folder too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That is also a genius way of looking at it! lol
      Like the phrase, “Out of sight, out of mind.”
      Yes! I can definitely see why more and more people are decluttering digital nowadays…it’s so stressful to keep up.
      It seems like you had a successful round 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post! This reminds me that I need to go through the photos on my phone and delete duplicates 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I just recently went through my bathroom cabinets! It was a nightmare under there. It feels much less stressful to pull out my bubble bath now though 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Those tend to get forgotten about, don’t they? Lol. I’m glad you feel that way now 🙂


  5. I haven’t heard of this anti-haul thing before. I’m just finishing the mins game and I needed something like this to keep me going. 👍🏻 Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s new to me too! I feel like I have only seen it on YouTube, but why not share it on a blog and inspire others 🙂


  6. Does it count if I upcycled. I had a clean but ratty beyond use cotton bathrobe that I cut up into facial wipes instead of using cotton pads for taking off make-up etc, It is off my closet door. Recycled old magazines and catalogs, donated odds and ends(the last from my mother’s house.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m sure it does, there are really no rules as long as you got rid of/repurposed the old item into something “new” that you are using 🙂 That’s a great idea, I might have to try it out since those small face towels can be pricey, why not make your own out of a towel or robe! I bet it feels great to repurpose and see less items without purpose.


      1. I have a tendency to keep things until they are almost falling apart and I loved this robe, but the little squares are nice and soft and I just throw them in the wash with my normal laundry, some of them are already “prestained”

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  7. I don’t have a list but that is a good idea. I have been keeping a bag by the back door and I am trying to toss things in everyday as I realize I don’t need/want them anymore. Mostly clothes and shoes, so far. Oh, and I’m recycling old papers like crazy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. I think a list helps so you can reference what not to buy in the future and remind ourselves why it didn’t work out. Little progress everyday adds up, good for you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. never heard of anti-haul and mins game but thanks for recommending them. Good on you for remaining on track and removing unwanted stuff from your life. It is so easy for things to amount up again if we are not careful with what we bring into our lives isn’t it?. yes de cluttering digital is a good idea. last month (June) among other things, removed files/folders, books, clothes, papers, old broken picture frames, laminated pictures etc. Thanks for the inspiration .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No problem, I’ve only seen them mentioned on YouTube so far. And I agree, we tend to bring in things without even noticing them creep into our spaces…journaling or tracking the process makes it easier.
      Great progress on the paper/documents area, good luck on your minimalism journey 🙂


  9. This is good to keep people accountable. I think it makes you take note of your progress and show people it can be done. I also think that listing the items makes you realize what trivial “stuff” we keep. I offered to help a former teacher of mine who is a great friend – she is overwhelmed with things and has just started the decluttering adventure. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I agree! You can also look back on time and see not only how far you’ve come but also what items didn’t work for you so that you won’t continue to make purchase mistakes again. Aw that is sweet of you to help someone declutter, I bet she appreciates it 🙂

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  10. Is there a reason why you won’t be wearing earrings anymore? Just curious, but if it’s too personal I understand. Your post makes me want to start decluttering as well 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for asking, not personal at all. It’s for a couple reasons. I’ve found that the studs either get lost, they tarnish (costume jewelry), and I tend to only wear necklaces and watches/bracelet. I might have to invest in a quality pair later. Thank you and good luck! 🙂


  11. Love this, I’m trying to go zero waste so the idea of an anti-haul is both useful and fun! Thanks for sharing your experience. 🙂

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