Thoughts On: Minimalism is Romantic


This topic struck my mind the other day. It isn’t something I’ve ever come across or heard of to be connected, so I thought sharing these thoughts would be interesting.

Minimalism and romance?


It came to me when I was minimizing my possessions even more. As I did so, I dreamed of going back and moving to “Emerald city” one day and how easy my move would be because I only had a few possessions of my own to haul. Owning little gives me the freedom to choose if I want to move somewhere new across the country or thousands of miles away if I desired so. I thought, “How nice would it be to pack everything I own in my coupe and drive off to my new home?”

Minimizing ignites that dream I have to one day soon start a new life in a place I love. Every item I discard, recycle, donate, or sell fills me with excitement and a sense of romanticism of traveling and seeing more of the world by owning less. One bucket list goal I plan to do is backpacking through a few countries in Europe. Building habits now that require me to downsize and practice minimalism on a daily basis will help make the packing process easier and lighter. The idea is to make it feel natural so that I feel comfortable walking from place to place and having only the essentials in my backpack.

I would love to hear if any of you are downsizing to be able to travel, or even just move more freely. What are your thoughts on romance connected to minimalism?

21 thoughts on “Thoughts On: Minimalism is Romantic

  1. Love this. I like the idea of moving towards less with specific goals in mind.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! It is exciting to think about and how the end result will look, although the journey is just as great 🙂


  2. Definitely agree with this sentiment. ☺️ One of my biggest motivators in down-sizing and smart shopping is to spend less on material goods so I can have more exciting experiences traveling.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks 🙂 I love hearing that more and more people are investing in experiences over material goods. The outcome feels worthwhile!


  3. Great post! I definitely agree that minimalism can help with the desire to travel. Since I’ve become more mindful of consumerism and owning less, I now have more money to invest in experiences. I’m actually working on a post on that topic now. Should be up this evening. Take care

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! 100 percent. You have less baggage literally. Good for you 🙂 Experiences are more worthwhile and they also don’t leave you with clutter. Awesome, I hope to read that one!

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  4. im trying to downsize on a regular basis to make moving around so much easier. i actually would prefer a smaller size TV than the one i have, but i wouldnt know the first thinkg about getting rid of my TV. maybe sell it on ebay or something.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Starting with getting rid of a few things daily or even weekly can help. Moving is already stressful as it is, so having little will definitely make the process smoother 🙂 Have you tried listing your TV on apps like letgo or OfferUp? Even Facebook marketplace is good. I use those to sell items regularly and you don’t have to worry about shipping because it is local meaning nearby people will see it. Good luck!

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      1. some of the stuff i have i want to keep until i am done with it, like the books i own. i would’ve rather had a kindle, but most of the books i got for free and i dont want to purchase them just to downsize when the opint of minimalism is to save money. I figure id read them, then donate them to the library. you use it before you give it away.

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      2. I am the same way too! Like to get use out of things before I donate or pass them along.

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  5. I will be moving soon and actually it’s given me a good reason to get rid of even more stuff, I really want it to be as minimal as possible, just getting rid of a few items a day really makes a big difference!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How exciting! It’s the best kind of motivator. And yes I agree, a little here and there really does add up in the long run especially since you’re doing it daily 🙂

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  6. I found your premise really interesting, particularly since the early Romantic movement was a celebration of the individual – for the first time, literature and art focused on the everyday rustic. states that the movement ‘encourages freedom of treatment, emphasizes imagination, emotion, and introspection, and often celebrates nature, the ordinary person, and freedom of the spirit.’ This all fits in with the minimalist movement perfectly, I think! Thanks for your post.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m downsizing from a 2 bedroom home with a full basement and garage, to a conversion van. Since I am renting out my home for 6 months to a family member, I am using one small room in the basement for my storage. If I decide to go back to living in a house, it will be much smaller and I will only move the things that I love. It makes the choices of what to hold back much easier.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! That sounds so exciting and must be such an adventure to look forward to. It’s good that you won’t have to rent out storage lockers in those public spaces. That’s a good philosophy to have, “only have in your home what you love and is useful.” Congrats on the moving 🙂


  8. This is EXACTLY how I feel! It’s a preparedness. We want to be ready to drop everything and chase the opportunity that falls in our lap. I’m waiting for the opportunity to drop everything and move to Europe. But for now…I’m pursuing other things with that at the back of my mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES! That’s the magic word. It’s wanting to take every opportunity that is throw at us without our stuff holding us back. Moving to Europe sounds like a dream, best wishes on your journey 🙂


  9. I liked what you said in the comment above, without our stuff holding us back. Oh my goodness do I need to ponder on that. With that I apply that to all stuff, emotional etc not just physical stuff. Enjoy you trip around Europe you will love it. Europe sounds romantic to me. Travel and romance go together and am getting my head around minimalism and romance. Keep sharing.


  10. I daydream about this same idea as I continue to minimize our possessions. Buying only the bare necessities this year is also helping me see how much we could continually save every year for experiences (or paying off our mortgage!) by maintaining a minimalist lifestyle. The ultimate dream is to be able to retire early and live somewhere outside of the States for awhile…as long as we can bring our two cats. 🙂


  11. Lynnea Brunner July 26, 2018 — 7:57 am

    I resonate with this post. I’ve been getting rid of stuff for years and used to live as a nomad before I got married. I’m still fairly certain I could fit all my stuff into the back of the Camry we drive.
    My dream is to live with bare minimum, with the ocean as my home. Or even a studio apartment near the coast where I can bike or bus/train everywhere. Being overseas once gave me a feel for living without much and I loved it!
    Thank you for this post. You are so right, there is a romance to minimalism and it is wonderful.


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