Create More, Consume Less Series: Project #1

Being a minimalist, I enjoy giving gifts more than I enjoy receiving them. Of course, I prefer and value experiences over anything. I feel like that’s also the norm for most people trying to live a simpler life. It just makes me happy and feel good inside. But what if you are also a minimalist who is trying to save as much money, yet still give a thoughtful gift to someone?

I stumbled across this thought a few months ago when I was trying to think of a perfect anniversary gift to give my boyfriend. His birthday lands exactly a week after, so I knew then that I could splurge and go all out on his birthday/experience gift and instead make him something special for our anniversary.

I found a few ideas on Pinterest and put my own personality on it. The result…a simple DIY date ideas gift in a jar. It’s not only easy to make, but you might already have most of the supplies, such as the mason jar, lying around at home going unused!


  • Clear glass mason jar with lid
  • Pack of wooden popsicle sticks
  • A black sharpie
  • Watercolors or paints in a few different colors (optional if your sticks come painted already)
  • A paintbrush and water (optional)


  1. Get ideas for dates you would love to do together (Tip: Pinterest is a great source for coming up with ideas! I also searched for nearby things to do and places we have never gone to with good ratings)
  2. Categorize your dates any way you like. I chose to use these four lists: Stay in, places to eat & drink, out & about (free), and out & about (cheap/$).
  3. Once you know how many categories you will make, choose that amount in different colors and paint both sides of the stick. (Tip: I used water color paints that I already had at home, but you can buy popsicle sticks already painted at craft stores and even local dollar stores too!) I also love the colors of the sky so I chose to personalize them with yellow and orange as sunrise colors and blue and purple as evening/night colors.
  4. While you wait for the popsicle sticks to dry from painting, decorate your mason jar with stickers such as letter ones or cute tags you may have in your craft stock.
  5. Make a legend or key underneath the lid using your black sharpie marker, and then color code with paint or colored markers.
  6. Lastly, write out your date ideas on the colored popsicle sticks making sure to use the right color for the date category. (Tip: Start off with one color for each list you made, that way you don’t miss any.)

I hope you guys enjoyed this DIY as part of a series I’m creating called Create More, Consume Less. Happy crafting!

15 thoughts on “Create More, Consume Less Series: Project #1

  1. Such a cool idea, April – I love it! And it’s even more fun with the ‘pick and mix’ sticks in a jar! Lxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, minimallol! Yes, I love that it makes it spontaneous too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I thought that said Cornbread Event, but it’s coverband. Ha!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. This made me laugh, thanks for the humor lol!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I’d so go to a Cornbread event!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This is such an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very, very nice. Lucky your boyfriend!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. so cuteeeee

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  6. Good idea’s that you shared and like all the colours. Have you achieved any of the dates yet or is that too personal? Sorry if it is. Could do the jar for others (if you knew what some of their goals were) as well as for yourself. Got me thinking, thank you.


  7. This is such a cute idea! I don’t think I’d use it for dates (or maybe I should!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I find it is just as cute a decor piece and conversation starter 🙂


  8. Reblogged this on The Girl Daily and commented:
    What a thoughtful Art Project #artstudio

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